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"They say love is a piece of peace;

and that all is fair in love,

But, if I were to ever do it all over again, I'd burn every fairly tale and would start from the beginning."


When I left Mule’s office, I went to some club in town and decided to drink my sorrows. I had a lot of questions I needed to ask Adele but I felt it would turn ugly if I were to go home that earlier. I felt there was a beast inside me and it was going to burst me wide.

Mule came and joined me. We talked a lot and he really helped me calm down.

When I woke up, she brought me ginger tea, looking at her I felt disgusted, she had slept with another man, letting another man eat what I treasured most, so I left for the bathroom and tried to make peace with myself. Mule told me to take it easy and be patient. He had promised to help me out finding the truth behind the kid’s paternity and anything attached to it.

I got myself ready and went out, I just didn’t want to stay home and see Adele or the kids. I went for a road trip and it took me almost the whole day to get back home. My phones were on voice-mail, I didn’t want Adele to keep calling and asking me of my whereabouts. 

You really wanted to blame me right? I was that man who was in pain, filled with unanswered questions. I just didn’t even know who I would trust with this whole story.


Lucas left in the morning, his lines were not going through. I wonder where he would have gone to on a Saturday like that. My husband was not the man who would go out as much unless with his friends and it was occasional and he always made sure to let me know before leaving.

Again he came back after midnight and drunk. What was happening with him? Perhaps he knew of our children’s paternity but he just didn’t want to say it? or was he seeing another woman? I let it slide.

The next morning, I made ginger tea for him again, he drank it, freshened up and told me he was going to meet up with his finance directors for breakfast. He didn’t even bother to let me give a response neither did he bother giving me a kiss let alone a perk. This man is changing. There must have been another woman maybe.


I tried as much to make sure my attitude towards my wife didn’t change but my mind was failing me. I lost my trust on her and slowly my love was fading. As for the kids; I really didn’t want to see them. The last day I saw them was on Friday morning before I left for work and I didn’t bother asking about them.

I drove to my Father’s place in Area 3, I was staying in Area 47. The relationship I had with my father wasn’t too strong unlike with my mother. Growing up, father had always been strict and principled, on the other hand, mother really knew how to spoil me.

Just when I drove through the fence, tears rolled down. I tried wiping them but they kept falling. “Be a man Lucas!!” I exhaled.

I got out of the car and the gate man came to me running, he cracked a few jokes of how marriage and having kids had made me gain weight and looking good. >Had he known<

He told me father was in the garden, obviously he would be there. That’s where he spent most of his Sundays.

I walked down to the garden and I couldn’t hold back my tears just upon seeing father. He opened his arms and embraced me, I felt like a little kid. He patted my back and kept telling me he was there for me and it was going to be okay. I cried until I couldn’t shade a tear any more “tears of a man”. Then I sat up. Father was just looking at me closely, I guess he was waiting for me to open up.

How and where would I even start from? How would I even narrate it to my father that his supposed grandchildren were not really his?

  Father: “You know? When a child comes back home, weeping and beating himself on the chest, his parents know there is something that killed his pride but when he comes back rejoicing and singing, his parents know that there must have been a good news. From the way you came to me; I know your pride has been killed. Now tell me”

  Me: “(I wrestled inside, how do I tell my father. Where do I even start from?) …. I… I… Its about Adele and the kids….”

I expected him to react or ask me questions but I noted he was just quiet and attentive waiting for me to explain to him everything.

   Me: “We planned to go to Paris with the kids for a vacation, so we went for DNA, the results got out days ago. > I sighed; Father was still quiet, his eyes fixed on me<. The paternity results came out negative, I am not their father.”

He was in total shock, he seemed to be in disbelief, he immediately stood up, his hands were on his waist.

I just wanted him to say something, anything. To maybe tell me it was all a lie and I was the father of the kids if it was at all possible.

  Father: “What did your wife say about it? did you confront her?”

  Me: “I didn’t ask her anything. I am just pretending like I haven’t been told about it.”

  Father: “Who else knows about it?”

  Me: “It just me, Mule and then you. I don’t know if Mule has told anyone yet.”

He kept quiet and looked around. Thank God Mum didn’t come through, I know she would have started drama at the spot. The whole world would have known about it already.

Father comforted me and gave me some advice. He promised to come up with a plan and make sure that the whole thing didn’t get exposed. If it was to be let out, that would be a crash in my business and my father’s line of business. Imagine the news headlines broadcast “THE CEO OF ACT & LUCELE HOLDINGS CAN’T FATHER CHILDREN”

The shame of everything was what I wasn’t just ready to face.


Lucas left the house without saying or asking about his kids, it was past lunch and he wasn’t back. He knew very well that Sunday were always our family day out. This week, we were supposed to go for a lunch out. I just forgot to remind me before he left and he was not even picking up calls.

My instincts keep telling me that something wasn’t too right somewhere. The results were my greatest fear. I quickly got my phone and dialled through Dr. Mule’s line.

   Me: “Hie Mulamu, how have you been?”

   Mule: “All great, how about you dear?”

   Me: “Not bad; just wondering what’s up with Lucas these days, perhaps did he complain of anything?”

  Mule: “No, he didn’t. what has been going on?”

  Me: “Ooooh! Okay. Well, he has been drinking heavily as of late, coming back home late, he hardly stays at home. I just don’t know what is really going on.”

  Mule: “That’s so unusual, but I am sure there’s something eating him up, maybe work; I will try and talk to him when we meet up.”

   Me: “Yes please, I am counting on you. greet Rose and the kids for me.”

   Mule: “Any time dear. Sure.”

I hanged up. But I was still worried about him. I was going to lose the man I had spent almost 16years with all happy and full of love and I wasn’t ready.


I tried calling Lucas but he wasn’t picking up. I just prayed he wasn’t up to anything silly. He had promised not to react on the issue until we got to know what happened and how it happened.

I had sent out a private investigator to be monitoring Adele’s movements, maybe we would have a hint from there. But in those few days, nothing positive really came out.

I loved Lucas as my own brother, knowing him made my career bloom fast. I was then dinning and wining with high profile people. I was called and assigned to attend to big people’s medical needs and the rewards I was getting from it all were more than enough. I just couldn’t let Lucas fall because of that issue.


I watched my son eat like he had been starved for days; I wonder if he was eating at his home. He finished everything that was served in his plate and asked for more. From there he opted to take a nap. His mother tried to engage him in some conversation about his marital life but I had to interfere, I knew so well how women could be when they have been told a story. If she had been told about the children’s paternity drama she would have actually drove to Area 47 and kick that girl out of the house and that would mean too much drama for the family.

I loved Lucas and I didn’t want anything to weigh him down. I knew how hard he had worked to be where he was then. Adele had also been very supportive but I just didn’t understand why she did what she did. There was no valid proof yet until she would be called to order and questioned.


After having lunch at my parents’, I decided to take a nap which made its way too long. When I woke up it was already an hour before midnight. I must have slept off comfortably. Home is best indeed.

I went downstairs with my car keys in my hand hoping to be leaving for home but father told me to sleep over. He said he had already made a phone call to Adele telling her I was sleeping over there cause I had business to take care of for him. What a great father I had right there.

We sat on the balcony drinking wine and talking all sorts of stories until after midnight and we retired for bed.

For the first time in so many years, my father insisted he would spend a night in my room, I was too shy and reluctant but he wasn’t ready to give up so I just agreed to whatever he wanted. 

He told me how he met mum, how he proposed to her, how my siblings and I were born and everything else about how his relationship with her had been ever since.

I got to learn a lot and I found too many reasons why they say marriage is for better or for worse. They endured a lot from each other.....


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