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"I grew flowers despite how

you wrecked and brutalized

every part of my life

and they bloomed beautifully."


I had gotten the information about the kid’s paternity and it shattered me. I just didn’t know if I was to break the news to Lucas. I feared how he was going to take it cause it was the most shocking news and too heavy for me to narrate to him as his father.

I struggled with thoughts if I needed to tell my wife about the whole issue but I decided to keep it to myself instead. 

I gave Mule a call and invited him over to the house, he was the only trusted friend my son had and I thought to tell him the results of the plan we had set.

     Me: “I am so ashamed as a father to even tell you that my wife’s nephew Austin is the biological father of Adele’s children.” 

      Mule: “What? Austin? Does Lucas know about this?” he looked so disappointed.

Breaking the news to Mule brought a relief to me; they say a problem shared is half solved. I know I wasn’t doing the right thing by disclosing my son’s private life to a third party but Mule was the same doctor that got to know about the paternity case, he kept it a secret until then and I was sure enough he was going to keep this one too.

        Mule: “So what do we do now? Do we tell him about it?

        Me: “I don’t really think we have to tell him now; I was thinking we should give it time, maybe wait for the guys to dig more into it and then tell him.”


Breaking the news to Lucas was going to be hard with the fact that it was his cousin who did the worst to his marriage. Austin was five years younger than Lucas; he was into transportation and it was Lucas who pushed him through till he became successful. He introduced him to many channels and made sure he had good connections, I wonder why he chose to pay him with such betrayal.

I assured Mr Chikane that I was going to work on something and he needed not to worry over it as much. I was hurt but I was only trying to calm the old man down.

From there I drove to Akante’s place, she gave me a call earlier on that she needed to see me; she rather sounded too serious than usual and that made me anxious. I just hoped it wasn’t anything to do with us. Could she have been pregnant? No ways; that girl was too smart for everything and she wasn’t careless.

            Me: “Hey pretty,(she was lying on the couch, in her living room) you sounded so damn sad over the phone. What’s eating my cheese-pie up?” She sighed and looked straight into my eyes. My blood started to boil, what was this lady trying to say to me. I felt like I was going under a cardiac arrest even without knowing what the whole thing was about.

          Me: “babe; is there something terrible I have done? Okay I am so sorry but just tell me what happened.” (She sat straight and I sat beside her).

         Akante: “i…thee…. Ma… eeeeish! I don’t really know how to say this. I am so shocked.” She paused.

I knew Akante just a few months back then but the little time I spent with her made me study most of her expressions. Akante was someone who would tell you something that was in her mind right away without feeling bad or ashamed about it. If she wanted to get a head from me or wanted to give me a BJ she would gladly shout it out without minding my reaction. I liked her because she was open and sincere; more of expressive. So seeing her in that state meant something worse than what she handled everyday had happened. was she really pregnant? Wasn’t she on any kind of contraceptives? Or had she decided to go back to her husband? My mind had too many unanswered questions and my curiosity was killing me.

        Akante: “its about Made.” I sighed in relief knowing that it wasn’t anything about me, but my heart skipped beats. What had happened to Madelyn? Did her husband caught her with Lucas? That was my greatest worry. I wanted Lucas to find pleasure in the midst of his pain but for him to be discovered by anyone else was the last thing I wanted for him.

        Me: “Madelyn? What happened to her? Did her husband beat her up again? Is she okay? Where is she?” I rather asked too many questions at once. I was curious.

          Akante: “Far from it… I just don’t know how Made will handle it if I get to tell her about her husband.” 

Okay! Now this lady was playing with my mind. At first, she made me believe I was the one on the wrong side then she said she was worried about Madelyn and now she’s driving me to think that George was maybe dead? Had he been murdered? was he involved in any kind of accident? Had he been arrested?

         Me: “What happened to Made’s husband? Is everything okay with him? Has something happened?” (She got to her feet, made a few steps back and forth, she really look disturbed and unease).

         Akante: “Hhhhmmmu! So finally, my fears have come to pass… would you believe that George. George of all the people in this world. George, my bestfriend’s husband sleeps… No sleeping is not the right word to use but George haves sex with his mother?”

That busted me wide open. A son? Having sex with his mother? His biological mother?  I only watched and read about those stories but never did I imagine that someone I knew would be practising such fetish things. And not just someone but it had to be George, Madelyn’s husband. The Big Gee in town. The same guy that painted the town blue-green-red-yellow and was a role model to most youngsters. Wow!!! what a world we were living in. 

I just sat there mouth agape without knowing what to say. My mind had too much just in a day. First it was Lucas’ father; he told me about the paternity of Lucas’ kids- Adele’s kids rather cause by the time Lucas got to know about Austin and his wife, I bet he wouldn’t want to get closer to the kids again and now this? George in some disgusting acts with his biological mother? How was Madelyn going to feel if she got to hear all that? (I thought to myself).

           Akante: “And that’s not all; I think he’s the one who brutally murdered Wathu and Vundu.” Aaaaggghhhrrr! My head was spinning. What was this day made up of? Just a bunch of disappointments. Everything I was being told that day was bringing confusion and I didn’t know how it was to be handled. I felt sorry for Madelyn after Akante had played Wathu’s voicemails for me to listen to.

then, we were left with questions on how we were going to break the news to both Madelyn and Lucas.

I made a call to Lucas to know of his whereabouts and unfortunately or maybe fortunately he told me he was on his way coming from Blantyre where he went to see Madelyn and he was coming back with her. That was another boom. Madelyn had planned to come back home without telling her husband and she didn’t tell Akante-she wanted to surprise both her husband and her bestfriend.

So Akante and I agreed that we let Madelyn and Lucas spend a night at Akante’s place then next day Madelyn should proceed with her surprise comeback to her house. we were sure that with such a surprise maybe she would catch George red handed and it would save the trouble of disclosing the truth to her and if the plan would be successful, we would then go to the police and open charges on George for suspected murder.

I also explained to Akante the whole paternity issue of Lucas’ kids; well I was left with no choice than to tell her- I needed someone to help me with ideas and since Akante had already opened up to me about Madelyn’s issue I also opened up to her after all the other time I told her about Adele’s abortion incident.


The private investigator sent me a clip of George and his mother making out; he did technical connections of the cameras and his computers so everything that was being captured by the cameras was getting to the computer system.

At first I couldn’t believe it, I thought maybe it was just some kind of Photoshop but after I had received a number of clips which I even showed Mule, I was convinced that indeed it was George and his mother. I wonder where these people had buried their conscious How could they possibly be having sex? A mother and his son. Oooh! How I wished God would just smash their heads on an instant. And then what was really with George? Was he cursed? Was he a cultist? Last time Wathu caught him in bed with his sister Kaira. A girl who carried the same blood with his and I was sure enough that he was even doing it with Ngana. Wasn’t he bisexual? Wasn’t he doing it with his father? Cause obviously if was doing it with his mother and then his sisters so his father wouldn’t be left out.



Lucas insisted on driving over to see me and I allowed him to, fortunate enough our workshop only lasted five days instead of seven so when he came; he picked me up and we drove back together to Lilongwe. I planned to surprise Akante so I didn’t tell her I was coming over that Friday. I decided not to tell my husband about my coming cause we had already planned with Lucas that we were to spend the weekend together so if I had told George that I was on my way and then not get home it sure would have been trouble for me.

At first we set to sleep over at Akante’s but we decided to go somewhere quiet and we drove to Kambiri Beach Cottages in Salima. Yes! That was where we were to have our weekend getaway.

I loved the whole idea with the fact that Lucas had brought out the naughty girl that was in me. I just couldn’t tell why I wasn’t too free with George in terms of sex. With Lucas, I was okay to go for positions that I preferred most and this time around, my position preferences had enhanced cause I had downloaded a Kama Sutra book from the internet and Yep!! Girl got new skills.

We got to the hotel and lodged in; without wasting time-Lucas was already on for it.


Just like Madelyn. I so loved the idea of us spending the weekend at the hotel; at least we wouldn’t be too bothered with anyone except the sound of waters from the lake and chirping birds.

I got close to her and we were breathing into each other and my hands travelled to her ass, grabbed it and pushed her against me-she moaned.

she slid her hands under my shirt and took it off as I unzipped her dress down. I hurriedly went to her upper and unhooked her bra and began to rub her nipples with my fingers.

         Madelyn: “No foreplay (she said in between kisses)… I want the whole of you inside me right now.” I liked such a command and it turned me on more.

I lifted her and we sunk on the bed and slowly I let my didi slide into her ever wet jeje-I groaned and vibrated at the same time.

            Me: “Eeeeeish! Feels so good… so hot… mmmmh babe” I just couldn’t talk anymore rather I concentrated on pounding her hard…

In such situations, I am sure normal people would feel bad thereafter but unlike me,; I felt satisfied and lively, it’s a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time.

I looked at Madelyn and she looked excited and comfortable… I reached for her lips and we kissed.

   Griiiiiiiing! Griiiiiing! Griiiiing!. Griiiiiiing!

That was my phone ringing. I checked the caller’s ID and it was Mule. Mehn! I didn’t tell him that plans had changed and we were in Salima.

I picked his call and explained to him that we would be back on Sunday but he insisted that we needed to drive back the next day saying that my dad needed my attention urgently; I couldn’t hesitate but to agree on. I explained to Madelyn what the call was all about and she understood.

Our night was lock and roll; we had it almost the whole night and I still wanted more. I couldn’t hide it from her. I was open and honest enough to tell her that I still wanted the more of her and she obliged to give me her whole.


I seriously felt appreciated and cared for once again. Lucas gave me the best of that moment and if gratitude would be the best word to use for getting good sex from him, then I would say I was grateful.

After we had breakfast… not this normal breakfast y’all know; we had an extreme morning escapade and it was amazing.! So from there we ordered for a room service and thereafter packed our stuff and we drove to Lilongwe.

We got to Akante’s and we found Mule there already waiting for Lucas.

A few minutes later they left, I seriously felt so down realizing that Lucas wasn’t indeed mine; just a moment ago we were together full of happiness and fun and then he was going back to his wife and me… to that undeserving husband. I must have been cursed in my previous life.

Akante brighten me up and insisted that I gist her everything that went on right from the day I travelled to the moment we drove to her house. She really was a crazy great friend. Someone who wanted to know how her married friend went on to get screwed with her secret lover. >I rolled my eyes<.

We sat on the couch in her living room and I filled her head with all the experiences, she looked so excited and liked the sex scenes only. I had a spoilt girl for a friend.

The mood went off after Akante told me she had sad news to tell. I couldn’t imagine what the whole sad story was all about but from the look of her face, it wasn’t anything pleasing.

I avoided rushing into ill-thoughts about everyone and I just hoped it wasn’t another funeral I would be told of....


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