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"Not so often do people purely love you; The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too."

Almost from the first moment I met Adele, in a shopping mall, just before Easter season 16years ago, I knew I was getting something right at last. I had walked-in in a number of relationships that were getting too serious and later on would turn complicated and we all would be strangers again. 

My relationship with Adele was amazing, we were both honest and shared a lot of ideas, we were open minded. Adele was very supportive; she was there from the times I was just a beginner till I had made it all through. She was an amazing woman and I couldn’t have asked for anyone else. She was better in almost everything, perhaps, was I just too in love with her? No, she was just a perfect girl in her own way and I had promised myself that I was going to settle down with her and build a home together.

Two years after, I proposed to her; she was at first reluctant if we were ready for the marital journey but I promised her that I was going to be responsible and we were going to live well. She was a marketer and her career was developing out so well, a hard worker and committed woman, very focused.

We spent three years in our marriage with so much success coming through. I had made a lot of investments and Adele was always on the forefront helping me out with marketing ideas. Everything seemed all normal until our parents and close relatives were on us about having children. We had tried out a couple of times to conceive but the results kept being negative. The doctors said we were okay and with time we would make babies. 

Months later, Adele got pregnant. It was good news and we were very excited. When her time to put to bed came, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was a good start! That’s what our parents said. When Atunya was 3years old. We had another baby boy Chigo then Tonse came through 2years after. I was always happy watching my kids grow and at the same time my business thriving in so much and my pockets being filled up. I had to tell Adele to stop working. I had made millions that were enough to cater out our needs. I loved her and I didn’t want her to keep on getting stressed. Staying home and taking care of our kids was even worth paying her some monthly salary.

Atunya was 9, Chigo was 7 and Tonse was 5. My love for Adele had increased with speed and there was nothing I didn’t do for us. I made sure our family was outstanding and admirable. 

When schools had closed, I planned a vacation to Paris; it was a first trip I was going with both my wife and kids. Earlier on, Adele would go for vacations with the kids only whilst I stayed back to do work. I was a business man; I had less time for vacations. It was Easter and we just had to celebrate our anniversary in a special way. 

Times had changed; the Immigration department requested that we do a DNA test before processing our travelling documents. To me, that wasn’t a problem but Adele kept saying we should just cancel the trip, stay back home and celebrate at the beach either in Mangochi or Salima or anywhere else cosy. The kids wanted their holidays in Paris and I wasn’t ready to disappoint them, we had been on it for the past three months, there was no way I would let them down, I loved them just as I loved my wife, their mother.

We had the DNA tests and the results came out days after; Dr. Mule called me on phone to go to his office and get them. Since they were confidential, he wouldn’t have passed them on to me through anyone.

When I got to the hospital, I noticed the look on his face wasn’t too pleasing.

   Me: “You really don’t look happy as usual, is there anything bothering you? Perhaps the hospital walls are giving you too much stress?”

  Mule: “Not really friend, it’s all good. Just some mood swings with this tiresome work. How’s Adele and the kids?” 

  Me: “Well, they’re all good. How about your family?” 

  Mule: “My family is there. God is looking after us.(chuckles) So you didn’t want to come over with Adele for the results?”

  Me: “Aaaah! I didn’t find it necessary to. Isn’t it just about getting the results then handling them to the immigration office?” 

He paused for a bit, sighed. He looked so disappointed.

I knew something was up. The Mule I knew wouldn’t carry such a long face if it was all great. I thought maybe he had a fight back home with his wife Rose so I didn’t want to drag it whilst he was on duty.

He gave me a serious look then cleared his throat.

  Mule: “Hhhhhmmmmu! I want us to talk reasonably like men, grown up men that is…..”

What was he driving at? I was getting tensed and anxious.

  Me: “Sure, I am listening to you brother.”

  Mule: “Aaah! Aaah! The thing is… (he kept stammering) … actually, the results came out and I am sorry, you and the kids don’t match.”

His words echoed through my ears. I had a migraine on instant. What was he driving at? How can that ever be possible? Wasn’t I supposed to match with them for I was their father? I went mute.

  Mule: “Please, I know this is the hardest truth you have to accept. I am even shocked as you are. We tried taking several tests but it shows the same.”

  Me: “What of Adele? Did she match?”

  Mule: (he kept quiet) … Yes, she matched with both.”

  Me: So what does that mean? The kids are hers and not mine? But Chigo looks so much like the toddler me, how possible is what you are saying?”

  Mule: “The chances of the kids looking much like you are very high since you are married to her and probably have sex time to time thereby releasing your vitamins to the embryo. Don’t get me wrong but it clearly shows your wife must have met with another man to conceive.”

That hit me really hard. Of all the love, trust and loyalty I had shown and given her all these years? I loved her dearly even before the kids, she made me believe those children were mine and she never gave me any reason to doubt her not even for a second, and then that?


If I say I wasn’t shocked to the DNA results I would lie. Lucas and I have been friends since the birth of Tonse and I have been his family doctor all along. Whenever Adele and the kids were flying out of the country, I was always the one conducting their medical records and there was no time I found faults in any of the diagnosis.

I watched Lucas walking out of my office, stopping him wasn’t possible, he was deeply lost in thoughts. I would have been shocked as well if that had happened between Rose and I.

Lucas loved his wife so much and I wouldn’t have compared myself with him. The only question I had was why would Adele do what she did to him?

I wasn’t ready for any bad news, so I grabbed my car keys and made my way out following Lucas. I just had to make sure he didn’t do anything nasty to his family especially his wife.


It was 8PM already and Lucas wasn’t home yet, he didn’t call and I tried calling his 3 lines but my calls went unpicked. So unusual of him.

He had texted me earlier in the afternoon that he was going to meet up with Mule at the hospital and get the results. That was my biggest worry. I was anxious on what the results were going to be. And with his silence, I was getting too nervous.

I was just glued to the couch despite my house-help Nafe telling me to have my dinner; who would even have an appetite at such an hour? I was scared that my biggest secret was going to surface and if it did, I would really kill myself. How was I to withstand the shame? The mockery of adultery? Lucas was already a big name and if anything came out it would really bring him down. I knew so well how hard he had worked just to get there and I had never wanted to be the one to spoil it all.

  Nafe: “Ma’am its 10:30(PM) already, why don’t you go inside and rest? I am sure wherever uncle has gone to, he is safe.”

She just didn’t understand anything.

  Me: “Don’t worry, I will surely go to bed when least I feel like it. have the kids gone to bed?”

  Nafe: yes ma’am.”

  Me: “Alright, thank you. please retire to your room. I will just wait for a few minutes.”

  Nafe: “(she gave me the worried look) Okay. Good night then.”

She left for her bedroom. I just didn’t had the strength to respond to her.

Nafe started working for me since Tonse was 2years old and she had been very polite and had manners. Unlike all other house-helps I had had previously, she was so different. She made sure to help the kids with their homework and anything that was necessary. Being a housewife was not that stressful with her around and I so much appreciated her stay.

I was awakened by a loud bang on the main door, I quickly rushed to check. It was past midnight already, I must have dozed off on the couch.

It was Lucas, he was so drunk. I don’t remember when last he got this super drunk. Must be a couple of years ago.

I wonder how he even managed to drive home.

  Lucas: “My beautiful wife, here you are!! The mother of my three super boys!! Do you know I am 42? Like I am getting old? I will die?”

I really didn’t know what he was trying to mean, he wasn’t just making sense. He kept repeating the same thing until I tried to help him get to our bedroom. I took his clothes off, the moment he closed his eyes he started snoring immediately. “Gosh!!! Whatever reason that must have made him drunk this much let it not be from me.” I said to myself.

I knew he was to wake up with a terrible hangover so I woke up early, prepared ginger tea mixed with lemons and honey. It does relieve one from hangovers and works perfectly with flu and fevers. I took it to the bedroom and fortunate enough he was awake. He had a few sips. It was so quite than other days. The Lucas I know would have already been making noise on different issues; politics, economy, health, business and what note but the one who was in bed this morning was a very different type of him.

  Me: “Was there any kind of celebration last night?”

  Lucas: “(he looked at me like he didn’t want to speak then got up from the bed) NO!!”

He went to the bathroom and spent almost an hour in there. My nerves were getting too high with anxiety. Did Mule tell him anything-something? Was my marriage at stake?

He finally came out with a huge smile on him. He embraced me in his arms and we kissed passionately. What was this man up to?

He apologized of his actions the previous night and promised not to get on it again. He said he was just stressed cause of business and he went out to have drinks. I had no reasons not to forgive him. I was so relieved to hear that it wasn’t about the DNA. When I asked him how it went with Mule, he told me he couldn’t meet him cause he was in a meeting. Loved ones, I must confess; my inner me carried a whole lot of excitement upon hearing that.


  1. Beautiful blog i enjoyed Keep writing

  2. Well written story. Sort of leaves the reader wanting more. I enjoyed it!


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