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'If it doesn’t burn you a little

then what’s the point
of playing with fire?'


I know a lot of people make decisions that would destroy them for the rest of their lives due to different circumstances. I had been a faithful wife to George though I wasn’t too sure if he too was faithful and loyal to me. I stopped trusting him as I used to when we just got married. I lost my trust on him the moment I knew he went as far as getting undies for his little sister Ngana; who does that? Ngana was old enough to take care of her personal needs. She was a 27 year old grown up woman and I just didn’t thought it was right for a 38year old grown up married man to be moving up and down town buying personal stuff for his sister. And then with how he conversed with his mother and most times with Kaira, oooh! I felt like they were more than siblings and mother-son. So I tried all through to make sure I was a great wife until when I met Lucas; there was something about Lucas and I couldn’t really place it together. He just gave me that inner excitement whenever I was with him or when we talked on phone. Having him for the night got me to planet Venus and it was a great experience.

He kissed me everywhere, neck, ears, nose, chin, chest you name it all.
I told him to lie on the bed and let me show him what I knew best and he gladly obliged. I sat on top of him and gripped my legs around him with my knees facing forward. More like I was sitting on a chair. I slowly pressed my bum down and I could feel his long warm jeje penetrating inside me-it felt heavenly. He rolled his eyes whilst holding my waist tightly-I knew I was getting him the right way and that made me increase my speed-up and down; he was hitting the right corners to the extent that I couldn’t feel my joints anymore. His jeje was that great and I had already cum twice in less than 10minutes. So unusual of me.
When it was his turn to cum, boy almost exploded my honey pot, he grabbed me too tight and pressed my bum against him. He shut his eyes for seconds and was lamenting in between breathes things that I couldn’t even understand. it was like he was possessed and he was under convulsions of some sort. He went on like “labata…leleni…yeki…” I almost bursted out laughing…


I totally never believed it when they say “Sexual therapy is an important area of specialization until I made out with Madelyn. She sent down jolts of electricity to my didi and I was just too excited. I couldn’t keep my groans as she sped up and down on me giving out a hottest session I wouldn’t forget in a hurry. That girl was a gem.

Next morning, I woke up with a bad hangover; Madelyn gave me another warm morning session instead of ginger tea which I usually got at home from Adele.
Saying I had it great will be an understatement but truth to be told, it blew my mind. She quenched my sexual thirsty just in hours and I still wanted to have more of her.

     Madelyn; “we good?”
     Me: “Very great sunshine.” I run my hands on her thighs and kissed her. The feel of her warm body was doing things to my body. I caressed her gently and she released a soft moan then broke the kiss.

     Madelyn: “We have to get going before trouble breaks.”
Not too fast; I gave her that worried look. I just didn’t want to leave yet.

     Madelyn: “Come on! Don’t give me that look. Okay, let’s meet up next weekend. You know we can’t stay here all day just like that.”

Now the thought of meeting up again gave me another boner. Damn! What was this woman doing to me? I wasn’t that sexually active but with her; I swear I was going to go on another level. I nodded a yes then kissed her soft lips, she broke the kiss again, held my hand and led me to the bathroom. We had another sweet round in the shower. We both couldn’t resist it.

Before now; if anyone told me Madelyn was a wild cat I would think it’s all a lie. I thought she was that quiet shy girl who didn’t want to be on the lead but I was mistaken.
She preferred being in-charge.
Sex in the shower with some music playing on was another therapy I got. Sauti Sol’s Short N Sweet was on repeat and the rhythm went on with our pace with water splashing on us. She called it a bonus to her Stolen Sweetheart’ and I loved it.

After dressing up we went to the dining room and met up with Akante; Mule had left already for work, he had an emergency to attend to.

Apparently, Akante had made breakfast for the queen and I; She kept smiling and clapping hands throughout up until I left.


Seeing my girlfriend holding hands with a man and looking all happy that morning made me so excited. I couldn’t believe Madelyn really made out with Lucas finally. I knew the two had a crush on each other and they just didn’t know how to go about it; the plan I set up with Mule was too great to be bad and that made me smile all the way.

   Me: “So is someone not going to tell me how her night was?”

   Made: “(smiled widely) Well, I was waiting to be asked about it.” we chuckled.

    Me: “Gist me baby girl, I really can’t wait to hear how you got it out.”

I so loved good things, I have said this a couple of times and I will always say it. hearing sweet sexual experiences was the greatest of it all.

     Me: “Oookay! I quenched down the fire in him. Ooh! You needed to see how he was groaning and holding too tight. Guy has it long and he’s so loaded. Would you believe he made me cum twice last night just in a couple of minutes? He really knocked me so well and my joints almost cramped.” We laughed out so loud with high fives and me ululating over it.
No wonder George never wanted me close to his wife, it’s like he knew I was to do something like this someday. I didn’t feel sorry for him, he deserved it.


My day began so well; I finally got it from Lucas and my jeje was so excited all the way.
For once in a while I had full control of a man sexually and without any disturbances.
I drove in Akante’s Toyota Yaris Ativ. One thing I adored Akante for was her zeal for good beautiful things. She knew how to spend her coins but she wasn’t a showy; she was calm, humble and hard working. I loved how she loved me and I knew her concerns about me were real and from her heart.

I got home and found George busy working on his laptop; I had already prepared what and how to respond to him if he had decided to throw questions at me.

      Me: “Hey shuga. Good morning.” I gave him a perk and he didn’t give me attention. “Is my husband mad at me?” I gave him another perk. I just needed his attention to know what was in his mind.
          George: “you know I don’t like Akante right?” oooh! So he knew I was with Akante? Did he had me followed or something?

           Me: “Yah! Yah! I know.” I went to seat on the couch across his.

           George: “So how come you went out with her for drinks and even slept over at her place? Have you become such a dummy that you no longer listen to me?”
            Me: “Nope!”

            George: “And so?”

            Me: “I was lonely, I needed some company; she came through then we thought of going for drinks. Lost track of time and it was late to come home so I decided to sleep over at her place.” I went to kneel beside him. “Babe, you know I just can’t trust anyone and mingle with every Jim and Jack out there. I am just being careful of the friends I keep. At least I know Akante won’t have eyes on you unlike other women who may end up luring you into bed behind my back and act as good friends when with me.” My statement made him to give me a deadly look. I went back to my seat to avoid trouble.

But still, what I said weighed him down. The conversation couldn’t go further than that and I immediately rushed to the bedroom.

You know that myth that goes like “When a woman has had sex minutes or hours ago she can be discovered by looking through her eyes?” well, I didn’t want George to start looking into my eyes and then start his suspicion game on me. In as much as I knew what I did with Lucas was wrong and I had broken my marital vows, I still didn’t want to seat down and feel guilty about it. I had made that decision and it was a choice that excited me. There was no room for regrets and I wouldn’t dare regret anything.


The guilt of Wathu and Vundu’s death always crippled me whenever I saw Madelyn; I tried to avoid any form of abuse on her cause I knew so well it may end up leading to something tragic. She spent the night out and didn’t bother to tell me where she was going; I called her phone several times until Akante picked the phone for her and told me Madelyn got drunk and was asleep. I wanted to drive to Akante’s place right then but that would cause some chaos and I was avoiding it was so I made sure to calm myself down.

Mother had been disturbing me all through that she wanted to visit and she wasn’t going to cause trouble but her request wasn’t something I had to grant just like that. I needed to discuss with Madelyn about it considering that the kinsmen had advised that we needed not to entertain any visitors for the time.


I drove home with whistles blowing all the way. I couldn’t contain the excitement that was in me and then the bathroom session; that was a kick on its own, it just got my sexual stamina on a good pace.

I got home hammering to Short N Sweet and smiling like someone who had just hit the jackpot in a premier bet.
Adele was on the lounge, watching TV; I just greeted her and proceeded to the bedroom.
She then came in and found me undressing.
               Adele: “You got me worried; I have been trying to call you but your number was unavailable. What happened?”
      Me: “Life happened dear wife. Life happened.” I continued hammering and went to the bathroom. I wasn’t in for a fight with her. And there was no way I was going to get engaged in a conversation with her.
She had shown me the worse side of her especially on the abortion issue. Adele was just a she-devil.


The last time I heard Lucas hammering in such an excited torn was when we had an electrifying splash up; I had used some aphrodisiacs and woah! It blew us off.
Ever heard about Tseketseke? That’s what I used. It stimulates a woman’s sexual desire and makes the body warm; it tightens the jeje so well which increases the whole sexual performance. I was taking a tea spoon-full each day, I was adding it either to my morning porridge or smoothies and to be honest my sexual drive was very great with my husband and that was a couple of months ago before the whole DNA issue surfaced. So with him coming home in high spirits that morning after spending a night god knows where really tensed me up; I was scared for my marriage if he happened to meet with another woman out there, obviously his attention would be transferred to her and I would get nothing in return.

I didn’t want to make haste conclusions about my fears; maybe he had issues with his business as he said before. The economy was bad and there was devaluation in kwacha. That meant havoc in for his trade.


I couldn’t meet up with Lucas as we agreed, work got me busy and George was coming back home earlier than he used to before; I couldn’t leave the house whilst he was around.
It was as if he knew I had my jeje smashed somewhere and was planning to get another one. He hardly left home for weeks, he was ruining my plans and I didn’t like it.

They say “the taste of a dick can change a girl’s behavior overnight; you get excited and think you have arrived.” Surely, that was my case cause after I tasted Lucas’ didi I wasn’t that naiive Madelyn anymore. I was usually talking it out on George when he provoked me.

The only time I got to see Lucas was briefly when he came to the office for his updates. I was assigned to his company to do some auditing and I had completed my task so he came for a follow up. We almost made out in my office but Tholu ruined our game. At least he then knew his friend and I were in an affair so there was nothing to be scared of that much.

The office assigned me and two other employees to go for a one week workshop in Blantyre. Unfortunately Akante wasn’t coming along with me and that made me so sad. Akante was a whole lot of vibe and if I were to go with her, we would explore places in Blantyre.
I packed my bags and George dropped me at the office where I met up with the other guys and we left in one of the company’s cars. He continuously told me how much he would miss seeing my sexy bums around him blah blah blah and kept caressing my thighs till we got to the office premises. This guy was trying to drench my undies. He knew my w-spot was my thighs and he was deliberately doing what he wanted.


Madelyn had left for a workshop in Blantyre and mother was still insisting that she should come over for a while whilst my wife was away and I didn’t find reasons to deny her visiting.
She came a day after Madelyn had left.


Madelyn’s trip to Blantyre made me to start following George’s moves. I hired a private stalker to be monitoring him whenever he drove in and out of their house and also to be alerting me whenever anyone visited his house.
Just a day after Madelyn had left for Blantyre; the investigator gave me a call and reported that George’s mother had visited. Okay! Why was she visiting when Madelyn had left? What was her mission?
The guy reported to me two days later that Naphi (George’s mother) was still around. We then made a plan; I instructed him to find any possible way to install hidden cameras in every room of the house; I wasn’t just comfortable with that woman’s visit, something didn’t feel right. I trusted the guy and he did a good job. He waited for George to leave the house and he went there as an electrician, did the installations and left….


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