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"I want you to crawl over my body, find where I am most ruined;

Worship the parts of me they refused to honour:

Caress-Kiss-Love me there."


I had tried as much not to get myself involved in any fight.

I kept avoiding getting on George’s last nerve, I had no strength to keep fighting him.

Weeks before, his two sisters came through and they called me all sorts of names. They had came to fight me on behalf of their brother.

Our marriage was barely 16months old but they were already on our neck saying we are delaying the baby making process. I told them I wasn’t there for the baby making business, instead of them trying to make sense of what I said they were on me and we fought like mad cows. They made a complaint to their brother and parents and I was called to order. 

They warned me and not them, they abused me verbally and blackmailed me, I let it slide and left.

This time around, the mother in-law; (Naphi) had visited. I was okay with George’s family visiting but what I just don’t like is how they talked to me and addressed me. None of them respected me as much as I did, even the Father in-law; they were all savages.

At lunch, I had prepared, fresh beans, flied eggplants and nsima. I served my mother in-law and dished some for myself. George was at work; he barely came home for lunch.

 Naphi: “Why have the eggplants been flied?”

  Me: “George likes them flied.”

Honestly, my response was polite, but she understood it the other way. She immediately got to what she knew best. She insulted me for being a lousy wife. There was totally nothing she didn’t say. From the kitchen, bedroom and even my family. Some of the things she mentioned were even between George and I and it really surprised me when she said it all. I knew I married a traitor, a two-faced man.

When he got back in the evening, he started his own war; his mother had reported me to him that I refused to cook for her. Oh! Heavens!! Where was that coming from? I cooked for that woman, just that she hated me and didn’t want to eat what I prepared. She took the pots and threw everything in the refuse bin. What a wicked woman she was.

  Me: “If this marriage is just about you and your family then I have failed being your wife. Maybe you should go on and tell your mother to find you someone who is fit to accept and tolerate their wickedness!!!

  George: “Oooh! I think that will even be better off than staying with you.”

This man was really trying my patience. How was it that he listened and believed everything his family told him? Perhaps was there some kind of charms working on him?

The day ended with me in the bedroom. Of what use was it even for me to cook for the people that didn’t just want to eat what I prepared. I wondered why George behaved so strange whenever his family people had visited. He was never himself when those people come over

  George: “I guess you are sleeping on an empty stomach?”

Was he concerned then? Very stupid of him.

  Me: “I will make myself something to eat when I am hungry.”

  George: “(he gave me a concerned look) …look, I am sorry for whatever I said earlier on; I don’t really know what came over me but please Madalyn, go and eat.”

Wow!! Apologies? That’s what I usually got time to time when he has gone off his limits. I was no longer moved by his “I am sorry’s”, I have been hearing those words a billion times and it gave me goose bumps no more.

  Me: “I know you love your family; I know you want the best for them; but the only thing I ask of you is to respect me. Talk to me in a manner that you would love to be talked to. Stop embarrassing me around.”

  George: “Please don’t leave me for another man.”

I really married a sick man. After everything he said to me earlier on he was then worried of me leaving him and going to someone else? Was he scared that I would later on become someone else’s wife? Then why was he letting his mother and the rest poison his mind about me?

Thankfully, we slept with no more arguments and without his mother banging into our bedroom. That woman was really daring. The other night she banged into our room whilst George and I were cuddled up, she had the guts to tell her son to go on and wait for her in the kitchen whilst she prepared God knows whatever she was quenching for. It took almost an hour or so for him to come back and I didn’t bother walking down to see what she was really preparing.

It was her tendency; at times she would insist on watching football along with her son till wee hours. I usually left them for bed. I just never wanted her trouble.

Days went on, George and I were slowly getting along again, he was romantic and so caring. He spoiled me with all sorts of gifts and took me out for a dinner date- an expensive one at that. I just ignored whatever attitudes his mother was giving me. She would throw daggers at me and spite me but Hey! I was just giving her smiles.

I wondered why she wasn’t leaving my home; she had her own home. A modern house and some luxury cars; her son did a lot for her and the family but she always spent weeks in my house to reasons best known to herself.


To say that I wasn’t bothered in the past weeks it would be a lie; I still didn’t understand why Lucas was off and why he cancelled the vacation to Paris.

He came home with the DNA results showing positive match. I was so delighted but deep down I was scared. How it happened was what I was so anxious about but I wasn’t ready to find out then that Lucas was back to his great mood.

  Lucas: “Are the kids okay with not going to Paris?”

  Adele: “They really are pissed off; but I told them we will go when schools close next season.”

  Lucas: “that was so thoughtful of you.”

I noticed there was nothing much Lucas would say. His statements and responses were very brief and straightforward.


In as much as I tried to keep up a good mood when at home, at times I just couldn’t handle it. being around Adele and the kids brought in a lot of questions. I was so curious of who their biological father was and what came over Adele to go on and have kids for another man. I had gone to Mule countless times just to confirm if I was not impotent but the results showed I was perfectly okay. Nature just had its own way to disgrace people.

Father, Mule and I made a plan to track down Adele, at first I was hesitant to take it up but after thinking over it a couple of times I decided to take it up. I really wanted to face this man that fathered those kids and I also wanted to hear from Adele.


I tried as much to sort out issues between Madalyn and I; I loved that woman so much. She had been of great help despite how my family treated her. The reasons why they hated her was what I couldn’t stand to tell her out. I never imagined myself coming out open and narrating everything. I just hoped she never got to find out.

I made sure to meet up all the needs at home as well as her personal needs.

She was an Auditor with a corruption investigation company and believe me, my wife had always been very intelligent in what she did. She got different awards for being the best employee of the season and those were what made me proud of her. 

I was into Import and Exports; crops, cars, electronics- you name it.


After making some huge profits; George decided to load my account, I smiled hugely whilst looking at my phone. I had just knocked off from the office and was walking down to the car park. An alert had popped in “Miss Madalyn Soko, Acc: 2704869 got a Funds Transfer of MWK 8,000,000.00CR From: MR GEORGE MBWETA. Desc: WIFE ALLOWANCE.….”

Tell me; who wouldn’t be happy with such alerts? Just at seeing it, I had all sorts of plans on how I was to spend it. To George Eight Million wasn’t that much; but if you ask me; it was a huge sum as long as I got it without working for it. wait! What was I even saying? I worked for that money; cooking for him, keeping his home tidy, cleaning his financial mess and ooh yes! Sexing him up.

Those thoughts got me aback; George and I hadn’t had sex in a while. It was either, he was tired or not in the mood the days I wanted us to make out. And when he wanted to do; I too was tired or in my menses. That’s how we missed it for days that turned to a month or so.  I decided to spoil him that night as part of appreciating him for the token and whilst I was in my dreamland, Buuum!!! I bumped into someone. A gorgeous man.

  Me: “Oooops! I am so sorry, I should have been careful with my direction.”

  Man: “Nooo! No need to apologize, I too should have watched my steps.”

  Me: “I still owe you an apology. I am just trying to be humane (I smiled)”

  Man: “(He smiled back) Okay! Apology accepted; but next time. don’t let your phone be the cause (He smiled again)”

The man really had a killer smile. I kept blushing just at hearing him speak. And oooh! I got a little excited down there. Was I that quick minded?

We exchanged gestures and walked our ways. I got into my BMW X5 smiling like I had received another Eight Million Kwacha alert whilst watching him via the rear-view mirror getting into our office entrance. I am not much into this whole flirting thing but given an opportunity, I would flirt with that man all day long >I smiled widely<.

I drove home with ‘Julia Michaels-Heaven’ playing and I must confess, I had some dirty thoughts lingering my mind.

When I got home, George’s car which he drove out with in the morning was already parked on the park-bay. Home already. I got in and without wasting time, I rushed to the bedroom; I knew he would be there. I quickly removed my shoes-blouse; I was topless. I unzipped my tight pencil skirt and let it down, George was laying on the bed watching me getting bare and all that in a haste, I got on top of him and we smooched. His hands snaked around my neck and I was busy unbuttoning his top.

He caressed my other nipple with his tongue whilst the other was fully in his hand. I felt great. We groaned as the kiss got intense. And yes! His hand slid into my undies making its way to my jeje. Our kiss became more erratic and I kept moaning. He lifted me up and got me laying on my back with him between my legs, he made circles on my jeje’s centre with his fingers before sliding them in. 1-2 middle fingers he slid in and a faint moan escaped my mouth. He was tormenting me honestly. 

My mind was taken to earlier on, that man I bumped with. I closed my eyes and pictured him making love to me, whilst deep in my thoughts, I felt George sliding his didi inside, I excitedly welcomed him as he got in inch by inch and holding my hips; he sunk further inside me. The arousal was so pure, thank heavens I didn’t know that stranger’s name I would have shouted it out but I had his full face in my mind. 

I know it was wrong for me to picture a stranger whilst making love with my husband. But the more I got his face, the more I made good rhythms, harder and faster balancing his pace. He was thrusting over and over and I felt my whole body shaking, his body got more heated up, I felt like we were going to explode…. We cum at the same time. We haven’t done that in edges and trust me; George was even surprised with how active I was that day.

I gave him the best which I hadn’t given to him for a while. 

He got up and walked to the bathroom, I heard him flushing the toilet then he came back with a wiper and wiped my jeje. You really needed to see how widely I was smiling. It was foolish I was picturing Mr stranger in George’s body but Hey! If not for that, I wouldn’t have sexed him up that much.


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