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"Everything decays almost

as soon as it has finished


Which is to say;

Everything comes with and expiration date."


Akante broke the news of the paternity of Lucas’ kids. She wanted to go on to tell her about her husband’s ordeal but she had no face for it. Instead after calming the atmosphere down over Lucas’ fate, Akante insisted to drive Madelyn home.


I insisted to drive Made home not just to save her from getting an uber but because fear of what she was to be welcomed with en-wrapped the whole of me. my palms were so sweaty and my legs were shaking when we drop off from the car upon getting at Lyn’s house. my private investigator had already told me that both George and his mother were in the house on it again. My head was spinning. The part of me wanted to tell Madelyn not to get into the house but then; I thought; if I truly loved her as I claimed then I needed to let her find out the truth of the man she married.

I know it was right for me to call George a wizard for sleeping around on my best friend but I thought it would feel different if at least he was doing it with just random girls who had no blood relationship with him not talking of his biological mother and his siblings. That was beyond the normality of being humane.


The music was so loud to the extent that the floor and the walls were vibrating. I wonder why George put on the music so high, that was so unlike him.

I complained about it and tried to turn off the radio but Akante stopped me from doing it saying we should just proceed to the bedroom and drop off the bags.

    Me: “But the noise is just too much! See me shouting just to make sure you hear what I want to say? Aaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhggg!! This man is so stupid. I mean who does this in their normal sense?”

    Akante: “Your husband does.” We chuckled.

We walked towards the bedrooms and at least the sound of music was fading out from that side; I was alarmed by some moaning sounds and bed springs as we walked towards my bedroom. What was going on? Was George watching porno? I looked at Akante and she looked halfway surprised too. My blood began to boil; was George cheating on me? Ooh! Yes I know I too was cheating on him but I never took it into our matrimonial home not talking of our bedroom. That was uncalled for.

   “Uuuuuh! Uuuuuh! My baby you know how to get it on me.” Really? Another woman on my bed? The same bed George and I made out on? 

I was a sinner but a faithful sinner if at all it exists. I respected George enough not to let my dirty games into my home but he went on and turned our house to a lodge just a few days of me being away?

   “Yeah! Babe!! I will make you explode hard!” I froze right, chills were all over me. So it was really George in there and he had the audacity to vocal what that slut had said?

Akante held me tight and gave me a nod to go on and open the door.

Tears rolled down, I was shaking from fear-hurt and disappointment. My whole body went paralysed.

Gently; Akante held the door handle and opened the door.



Hearing those moans, I knew something fetish was really going on just as the private investigator had told me beforehand. I felt so sorry for my dear friend. I was hurt deeply knowing that she was to find out something that would hurt her and leave her broken.

I must have been a bad friend for ever letting her stay on whilst Wathu had sent that voice note. Maybe I should have forced her to file a divorce right then, she wouldn’t have got to witness everything.

I know Madelyn was cheating on George and no reason was to justify why she did it but in as much as I know; Madelyn’s sin was better off than George’s even though I am sure enough that spiritualists would want to argue.


Whilst we drove, Lucas kept asking why his father wanted to see him around his tobacco farm and not at his house. I just went on to tell him to be patient.

We got at the farm, I parked the car and we got off. We started walking along the farm and I gathered courage and broke the news to him.

   Me: “Well, actually, it wasn’t your father who wanted you here. I am the one who wanted us to come here and talk.” He gave me a serious gaze. He had already accused me of disturbing his precious sweet moments with Madelyn and then for him to hear I was the one who wanted him there got him pissed off.

   Me: “I am sorry but, I just couldn’t find any better place for us to come and talk so I opted for this place. I like the silence around.”

    Lucas: “Sure man, I am all cool with here.”

    Me: “I am sorry I have to be the one breaking this to you; but I want you to man up and face it with strength.” He stood still and looked at me with curiosity … “I am sorry brother; the kids are not really yours…. The…. They… they are Austin’s.”

     Lucas: “(He laughed so hard) which Austin is that?”

     Me: “Same Austin. Your cousin.”

I knew that got to him. He banged on the poll that was just across us continuously and screamed F****CK!!!!

   Me: “Lucs, man up! Stopping hitting this you will get injured!!” I tried to stop him but he was too strong to be handled. I looked around to see if there were any farmers within to help me getting him back to the car. He was distorted.

I  hopelessly convinced him to walk with me to the car and lucky enough I had my first aid box in the boot; I got a syringe of stabilizers and injected him. He got stable and dozed off.



The reality of seeing my husband in our bedroom with another woman was just too much for me to take.

Just as Akante opened the door; I was welcomed by shock and disbelief. George taking on another woman from behind. I could see clearly that it was him even when his back was facing the us (the door). Two years of being with him was enough for me to memorize what his little unappreciative ass looked like.

He turned to the door; he must have heard our footsteps. He was in total shock upon seeing us and he immediately jumped off from the bed giving us a clear view of how huge and big the woman he was screwing’s behind was. Perhaps was he after the big bums? Was he after the big size? Cause I am sure I was twice that woman. And instead of her getting up to see why her stupid lover had jerked off the bed she went to lament : “Hiya! Tsono wachokeranji? Come back here my baby boy!!”

That voice sounded too familiar not to be recognized. I tried to process it in my head but I just couldn’t imagine who it would have been.

 Without wasting time; Akante clapped hands and shouted: “Will you get up from there you old woman! Don’t you have shame?” Okay! I knew Akante to be dramatic but for her to call that lady who had bent over the bed with her face down an old lady was a certain kind of drama. We both had not seen the lady’s face so we probably couldn’t predict if she was an old lady or just a chubby girl.

I was filled with so much tears and grief at the same time upon seeing who that woman was. I dropped to the floor; my body was just too heavy for my legs to carry. Of all the people, finally the evil of incest chose to visit my home? There were too many questions lingering in my head; flashbacks filled my mind and I got too much of evidence that this whole thing had been going on longer than then, I was just too blind-naiive and stupid to realize it all but it was clearly in front of me all along.

I told myself that I wasn’t going to show these people the weak side of me. I got up from the floor and walked out of the room. Akante followed.

I could hear George saying all those silly words of apology. SORRY!! I wasn’t moved with apologies any more. I walked as fast as my legs could take me and got to the living room. I turned to George and spit on his face. “You disgust me George! I hate you!! Don’t even think of following me, you will only embarrass yourself. Get ready to hear from my lawyer.”

    Akante: “And don’t you dare send assassins on us, the whole world is watching you.”

Okay!! I knew George deserved to be warned but Akante’s warning got me curious. Would George really send down assassins on us? Why? What for?



I drove Lucas to the hospital nearby where he received a quick treatment. Hours later, he regained consciousness. Looking it at him, I clearly could see a man who was so broken and lonely-I felt bad for him. Adele kept calling his phones and I just didn’t want to pick up. What did she had to say? Apologies and explanations perhaps? That was a quack, I was in no way going to let her talk to Lucas, that woman deserved to go back to the devil-that was where she belonged.


I had only loved and taken responsibility for my family all along. I loved Adele and I cherished every moment I spent with her. The years I spent with her where a great contribution to my success and she was always the reason I worked harder.

I helped Austin to rise and made sure he got to a best level. He was a man I loved dearly as a brother and made sure I gave him the best I could.

I woke up with slight headaches and swollen palms. I really must have hit on the poles too hard.

The grief of accepting the fact that my wife laid with my cousin and bore three kids for him was what I couldn’t bear to my heart.

I got discharged hours after a bed rest and Mule drove me to my parents; I just didn’t had the strength to go back home and face Adele. I know I had my own ploys but I couldn’t handle the situation at hand.

I even got the most shocking news which I least expected when I got there. Of all the people, it had to be the woman I loved so much and trusted that decided to plot against me and betray me. My mother. She was the master planner of the whole game. Hearing her justifications even broke me apart more. 

How can a mother say she loves her child and one way to keep him happy is to make sure to wipe shame from his face by making evil plots? She went on and convinced Adele to be sleeping with Austin and have a child for me and in return Austin got all the pays right from me and I never had a hint about it all along. I was in agony.

Mother only wanted them to do it once and that lead to the birth of Atunya but the two went on to continuously do it until Chigo and Tonse were born. I felt stupid and betrayed.

All along; mother knew of everything that was going on between the two but she said no word instead she kept conspiring with them and saw nothing wrong with it so long as the children kept coming in.

And when Adele couldn’t get enough from me she went on to seek pleasure from elsewhere. 

I was filled with so much anger.  For so many years; I shut my eyes from the world and only focused on my wife, I met Madelyn when things had already gone haywire in my marriage and she brought so much relief to my life. She helped me picking up my pieces and gave me hope for working hard once again.

I called my lawyer and he came in no time; I was set and wasn’t going back on my decisions. Adele and I were done. I was ready to face the shame from the world to be called names so as long I had nothing to do with Adele again.

Half an hour on, my lawyer came through- we were all seated waiting for him to go on with the protocol. The only thing I did was to share 10percent of my landed properties to the three boys both. That was the least I could do and it was to cater for their education and upkeep throughout. I had no business with Adele, the only thing she was to get from me was the alimony. She already had her share way before.


How does a heart break twice? How does it even break more than twice? How do people bear the pains and brokenness altogether?

First I lost my parents to that horrible accident and then I lost my sister and whilst I was healing from it all I get slapped by the most unexpected scene. The sky knew how much I loved George and how much I cherished him. I still stayed despite his family spiting on me. I still stayed despite the humiliations and the trauma. I became a fool to him and a punching bag of his. Day and night I would pray for peace to come to my home. I wanted to have a rosy marriage but my walls never allowed it in anyway. I gave my all to my marriage.

Or was that my pay for sleeping with a married man? Had my ancestors decide on punishing me for cheating on my husband? No way!! 


We drove in total silence; I guess no one had a word to say. I know Madelyn was so much hurt and in grief and I just wanted to give her time to sob up.

When we got home, she went straight to bed and locked herself up. I tried making her open the door to at least eat and get some fresh air but it was all futile. 

She locked herself up the whole of the next day and left me with no other choice but to call a carpenter.

  I had to talk some sense into her, there was no point for her to lock herself up, it wasn’t going to solve any problem. She had a life to live and a job to keep, businesses to run. What was she even going to gain from being in there without eating? She had her phone switched off.

George had been storming my phone with endless calls and I had stopped picking, he kept on making useless justifications to his actions and I knew he was too stupid to must have thought I would buy it all.

After Madelyn had agreed to no longer stay up in her room; I decided to give Mule a call. We had agreed to have a turn-up once she was back on track; it was a way of trying to get the fire that was between her and Lucas once again.

What was even left? Their spouses had betrayed them before long and they didn’t had to keep up in their sorrows and cry over spilt milk.




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