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"Don't ask me if I ever loved you;

But ask me how much I loved you,

Ask me how many bruises I've got from loving you

and how close I am from quitting

Ask me if my love still breathes

slowly and if it is still gentle

Ask me how many heart breaks I've

endured from staying with you

and if I am fit to endure more."


Lucas came back late at night all excited, I tried to find out what the excitement was all about and he said he was with the boys. With him being around Mule time to time was getting me so uncomfortable. What if Mule knew the whole paternity issue and had decided to cover it up in exchange with something? I made up my mind to visit him and hear if he had any plan in mind. I was so ready to do anything with him and for him just to make sure he didn’t let anything out.

I got ready and drove to Mule’s office. Fortunate enough I met him by the carpark, he was just coming in for work.

  Mule: “Oooh! Who do we have here? Mrs Lucas, its great to see you.”

  Me: “Great to see you too Dr.Mule. How are you, Rose and the kids?”

  Mule: “Well, we have been better. And you? the kids?”

  Me: “We are all good, thanks. You obviously won’t ask about your friend right? Have you guys been meeting that much?”

He was quiet for a while before he responded, perhaps he had read my mind?

  Mule: “Yeah! We were actually together just yesterday and we spoke this morning.”

  Me: “Anything about me?”

  Mule: “Naah! Not at all. Just some manly talks. There’s nothing for you to stress about.”

I was getting relieved hearing him say that. But did I really had to be such a dummy? We walked up to his office and if I had known, I wouldn’t have allowed my stupid self-get there.

I tried as much to force myself on him. I made all the right moves just to seduce him but he stood to his words “You are my best friend’s wife. I can’t take advantage of whatever has gone on to lay with you. that will be the last thing I would ever want to do.”

With him saying those words repeatedly, I knew I was in greater trouble. Mule knew of the DNA results but he didn’t want me to know that he knew. I tried as much to ask if Lucas was aware but he said he never told him. Did I had to trust him?

When I saw he wasn’t going to be helpful, I got my handbag and walked out. I was furious, I was so mad at him. I regretted of ever taking the steps I did in getting those children.


I felt relieved when Adele left, she nearly got me in a mess. Adele was a very beautiful woman and so attractive. The booty, the boobs the pretty face; it all made up a sexy look on her. I was tempted to touch but my ancestors made me strong. I knew Lucas was going through a lot already and I didn’t had to be amongst those adding up to his pain. If I didn’t get hold of myself, I am sure there would have been a dirty scenario between us.

Adele was a woman I respected so much, not until the DNA results came out. I adored how she carried herself and how Lucas praised her in everything. I thought he had married a saint, little did I know she was a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. Now with her coming over to seduce me. It just made everything worse. My respect for her was all gone. 

She left my office very angry and I knew she would plot more negatives on me; without wasting time, I called Lucas and asked him to meet up after work. I needed to share this with him. He was my guy and he needed to know what his wife was going on about behind his back.

Just after speaking with Lucas, Akante called. Oooh! We exchanged numbers after the successful foreplay we had in Tholu’s car on the road trip. I picked up with so much excitement thinking that she was going to call me for the real game but instead she wanted me to drive over to her place to treat her friend Madalyn who she said was badly injured.

well they couldn’t come or go to any hospital cause Madalyn had just been beaten and seriously injured by her husband, and for her to get a medical treatment, she needed a police report and they didn’t want to get it there.

I got my first aid box and left.


Madalyn came to the house with blood all over, she did nothing other than crying. I knew George had done all that to her. I felt her pains. I had been there before. 

If there was something, I was never going to take ever again from a man then it was his constant beatings. Wife battling was the hugest thing I ever hated. I wonder why my friend was so soft and allowed herself to be his punching bag. Staying back with him and not reporting him to the authorities was what made him mistreat her countless times.

I called Mule over to treat her and in no time he was at my doorstep with his medical first aid box.

He looked at her and shook his head; What did that mean? He run tests, checked her pulse and everything-medical stuffs you may know. I never liked biology or physics whilst in school, the only science subject I was interested in was mathematics and wheew!! it got me at a better place of being an auditor.

When he was done, he prescribed her drugs and told me to get her some food to eat before taking the drugs.

Heaven knew how much I loved Madalyn and I really wanted the best for her. Watching her going through such pain was the last thing I wanted to see. I just never get to understand why she didn’t want to divorce that wizard of a man.

The look on Mule’s face meant something else, I knew he wanted some afternoon loving but hey! I had a sick friend in my house and I was not in the mood for it, maybe some other time dude. 

We slept peacefully and Madalyn woke up alright but I could see how sad she was.

I prepared for work though I just didn’t want to go there. I wasn’t sure if the idea of leaving her all alone at home was all that great but she insisted she would be fine.


I met up with Mule and what he told me about Adele just got me so mad. Had I been living with a fake woman all these years? Had I married a puta? For her to cheat on me and getting pregnant was enough but going for my friends was really a very bad move I never imagined. 

I tried calling Madalyn’s phone after I noted the text messages I sent weren’t delivered but her number was unavailable. I thought talking to her would bring some kind of relief but things just got worse when she was out of line.

I hoped for positivity. it was a Monday and I had a meeting with Tholu and the new auditor he said he was to assign to me.

I drove with excitement hoping that I was going to see Madalyn, her phone wasn’t still going through.

When I got into the building, I met with Tholu coming out of a board meeting. He was in smiles as usual with a lot of ladies waving and smiling at him; my guy was his own celebrity at work and all over. He was the girl’s man crush every day.

  Tholu: “Unfortunately, your supposed auditor didn’t make it for work. She called in ill and I think she won’t be coming to work any time soon.”

  Me: “She? Who is this she?”

  Tholu: “Obviously someone you know. Madalyn.”

Saying I was excited with the news would be a total lie; having Madalyn as my new auditor was the thing I wanted. But then with Tholu saying she was sick made me worried. Was that the reason her phone was off?

  Tholu: “So I have to assign a new person to you, he’s also one of the best and very helpful.”

  Me: “No ways man, Madalyn is okay for me to work with. Can you give me her address? I need to go and see her. You said she was sick right?”

Tholu looked puzzled.

  Tholu: “That won’t be necessary. She’s not at her place.”

  Me: “So where is she? At the hospital?”

  Tholu: “Hey man! what’s going on? Is there anything I need to know?”

  Me: “Not really man, I just want to be friendly. So where is she?”

  Tholu: “She’s at Akante’s.”

With him saying she was at Akante’s place, I sensed something was just not right. Why would she be at her friend’s place and not her place? And then, I saw Akante walking out of the board meeting with Tholu, so how come Madelyn was alone at her place.

The only best way was to ask Akante of everything so I went to her office.

  Akante: “Yes, she was at my place but she called in to say she’s visiting her aunt. Is there any problem?”

  Me: “Not really, Tholu told me she was ill so I thought it would be best if I see her.”

She rolled her eyes and got hold of her bottle of water. After drinking from it she coughed and made gazes at me.

  Akante: “Madelyn is married. You know right?”

Wow!! Was she trying to be forward with me?

  Me: “Yeah! She told me. We are both married.”

  Akante: “Yes, I know you are married. I know your wife and the kids too.”

where was she driving at? Perhaps did she know about my children’s paternity?

  Akante: “Madelyn is not someone you will toy around with and get away with it. she has me and I am too much to contain with.”

Well, I guess she knew I liked her friend. What was there to hide about? I admitted to have liked Madelyn and I hoped for something positive to come out. I didn’t care about my marital status and I had no business with her marital status so long as she was ready for us to do this.

After talking with Akante, Tholu joined us, we had wine in Akante’s office and talked about random things; Father called me to visit him at home and without wasting time I drove home.

I found Adele with my parents at the lounge, she looked too sad so as my mother.

  Father: “Well, son; your wife here came to complain about your new attitude towards her and the kids. So I thought it would be best if we call you and ask you if there is anything wrong?”

Father kept signalling me not to be mad, he sure knew there were sparks inside me and I would burst the fire on Adele. I kept quiet without giving responses until mother spoke up.

  Mother: “Luca, did I raise you to be that rude? Your father asked you a question; you have to respond. Your wife is sad. She also complained that you haven’t been touching her for months now.”

Did she really had to get it there? I haven’t been touching her? How was I even going to do that after finding out everything she had done? From the kids; the outings, the late night phone calls in the bathroom, the passwords all over her phone, the constant giggling when on her phone and worst of it all seducing my friend. I wonder how many friends of mine had she lain on with already. Maybe Mule was just merciful enough to reject her and then tell me everything.

Well, fortunate enough I had already told father about her moves on Mule.

  Me: “I just have been tied up these days. And the stress of everything couldn’t let me perform my husbandly duties properly. I promise to change starting from now.”

Mother made me to make a vow on what I said and yes I did though deep inside me I knew that wasn’t going to be possible in anyway.

We drove back home in my car after mother insisting on it. Adele left her car behind at my parent’s and said she was going to come over and get it the next day. Our drive was very silent. Adele tried to engage in some talk but I was just so off and didn’t want to talk of anything with her.


I got at aunt Zinenani’s place. I had already told Akante that I was going to see my aunt. I needed someone other than Akante and my siblings to talk to. I just needed someone older to know what I was going through.

I had talked about the ill-treatments from my in-laws with my sister Wathu, her advices were just the same as Akante’s. she was married and had twin boys. In her statements; she said she would never be with a man who beats a woman, if her husband ever tried to, she surely would leave him and never come back. Oooh! Wathu knew how to talk it out to people, she could shout all day and never get tired of it. the other time when her husband slapped her for serving him mango juice instead of orange juice; she went on and on shouting at him every single day and he kept apologizing on daily basis. He had had heated arguments with George countless times and she always was on the winning side. 

This time around, I didn’t tell her George had pounced on me, I knew she was going to go there and make trouble.

I know what aunt Zinenani was saying made a whole lot of sense, but at that moment; were prayers for him what I needed or I just needed the divorce papers?

I spent a week at aunt Zinenani’s place; my phone was still off, I didn’t want any calls or messages, I just wanted to rest and think of what next I needed to do about my marriage.

I decided to go back to George and maybe give him a chance to explain himself on why he choose our marriage to be the way it was. Maybe if he had better reasons I would stay back. Even my ancestors knew I loved that man and that was why I kept giving him chances.

>>Madalyn and Wathu had'nt talked in a while. Madalyn's phone was out of reach and it was getting Wathu tensed up. She had texted her the other day that her sister in-law Kaira was in the house, she knew what that meant. A whole bunch of burden and discomfort to her.

Madalyn wasn’t the type to be away from her phone that long; the longest she would be off would be an hour or two but not up until four days.

Wathu got an uber to Madalyn's place after knocking off from work. It was around six in the evening and she was sure she was going to be home.

She got out of the uber, paid the driver and off he went. She had all the hopes that her sister would drive her home or better still would call another uber to drive her home. She didn’t want to keep the other one waiting cause the stories that always came through when Lyn and her met were so much and would take them hours to finish. The security man opened the gate for her but unfortunately he told her Madalyn wasn’t around. She didn’t bother to ask him more questions after he had told her George was inside. She thought of going in to wait until she came back.

She got in and the house looked so unkempt, so unlike of Madalyn to let her house be in such a mess. She checked for George in the kitchen and he wasn’t there, she aimed for the bedrooms; and when she took forwards steps, she overhead sensation moans. Who the hell was that? She wondered, didn’t the security man told her Madalyn wasn’t around? Now she was hearing moans from one of the visitors bedrooms? She slowly walked to the door and pushed it a little; below and be hold what she saw was the greatest tragedy she ever could imagine to witness. she thought it was all a dream and tried to pinch herself, but realized it was reality right in front of her.

Kaira was right on top of George, her own brother, making out. Her whole body froze at the site of it. they were so taken away to the extent that they didn’t notice Wathu was standing at the door, maybe because Kaira had her back facing the door.

Wondering how she knew it was Kaira on top of George? Well, he kept mentioning her name to go on him harder and faster. Wow!! This world can be so cruel. How can a brother and a sister be having sex? Incest!!!

She slammed the door loud enough to make sure they realized someone had seen their disgusting act. She hurriedly walked back to the lounge and was running to the gate already. Tears were all over her face. She was scared and felt sorry at the same time. what if Madalyn was the one who walked in and found them doing their incestuous actions? How would she have taken it up? How would she live knowing that her husband had had or better still has been having sex with his sister? From the way it looked, that wasn’t a one time thing, they had been doing it before and it wasn’t even rape.

She could hear George calling her back, she guessed he saw it was her who had seen them, she got out of the gate, luck enough an uber was passing by just when she got out, she waved at the driver, got in and drove off. When she looked back, she saw George standing at the gate with a towel wrapped around his waist. Fool! She hated him with so much passion.<<


I had messed everything up and I just didn’t know if I will ever get it right. 

The other day I blew up by fighting and injuring Madalyn, she left the house to God knows where; I had tried looking for her but Kaira wouldn’t let me. She kept giving me reasons on why I didn’t had to go on with looking for my wife and I was so stupid to listen to her.

As if that was not enough, my wife’s sister-Wathu caught me in bed with Kaira; that meant death for me. If the world hears it, it would be the end of my legacy. And if Madalyn was to be told, I was sure enough she would never take me back.

Kaira couldn’t just let me rest; after Madalyn had left she made sure we had sex everywhere in the house. kitchen-bathroom-dinning room-lounge-corridors and we had it in all the bedrooms in the house. I really enjoyed it cause she was comfortable doing it anywhere and anyhow despite her being my sister; she was a wild cat that was far from Madalyn.

When we realized about Wathu finding out about us, she told me to leave it to her. She made me trust her. She gave me so many reasons on why I didn’t had to worry over Wathu.

I had a very long sleepless night, imagining how the next day would be like and what Wathu will tell Madalyn, I just couldn’t stand the shame I would get if she got to find out about my actions. And then, my mind was on what Kaira was planning. I just hoped it would be a dream and I would wake up from it. I was so foolish to not have even be extra careful and locked the doors before letting my lust carry me away....


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