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Society thinks someone who is suicidal is a person who is crying uncontrollably every moment, engaging in dangerous activities and constantly in a bad state. At times, it’s the complete opposite.
Persons who are suicidal may not act it at all.

Suicide is not selfish. It is normally death caused by the illness of depression. It is the final symptom, a final collapse under unbearable weight.

I read somewhere that said; “Having anxiety and depression is like being scared and tired at the same time. it’s the fear of failure but no urge to be productive. It’s wanting friends but hate socialising. It’s wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely. It’s caring about everything then caring about nothing. It’s feeling everything at once then feeling paralyzingly numb.”

Many people who suffer with poor mental health do actually reach out and are either ignored, fobbed off with high dosage medications or put on waiting lists for months.
Such scenarios have a probability of leading one into massive depression which leads to suicide. Most people don’t just consider suicide because they want their pain to end but it’s because;

·       They want to stop feeling like a burden to those around them.

·       They are tired of reliving trauma.

·       They can’t envision a future they want to live in.

·       They feel trapped and need a way out.

·       They feel life is pointless due to grief from loss of loved ones.

We need to realize that mental illness is real;

·       Suicide is a disease.

·       Depression isn’t just a phase.

·       Anxiety isn’t an overreaction.

·       Bipolar isn’t just mood swings.

·       Eating disorders aren’t a lifestyle.

An advice from a therapist to his patient; “If your mental health is starting to affect your physical health, treat yourself like you’re sick. A minimum of 24 hours to yourself. Nap as much as you can. Drink plenty of liquids. Catch up on movies you’ve wanted to watch, books you’ve wanted to read, trips you’ve wanted to take. The world can wait.”

I have come across a situation where someone died from depression. He frequently exercised, had supportive friends and a great family, he was very successful. He had great goals and ambitions that he was constantly reaching up but he still killed himself. This is more to say, people who are depressed are not weak minded rather they are sick.

Everyday people around the world are suicidal.
Take time to create an atmosphere in which people can plan together how to combat this pandemic of suicide disease, to give people a brighter environment and create a world in which everyone is with the peace they deserve.




At the end of the day,
I want to be proud of the
person I have become.

They said; “Others are going through worse,”
whenever I shared my struggles with them.
I would sob on my bed until
my chest felt like it’s caving in.

Some moments, I felt I was barely hanging on.
I begged the ground to swallow me whole,
and the grieving sky to let down its waters
pour on me and wash me from the pains.

But I realized that;
sometimes you need to feel the thorn to transform,
to allow experiences flow through you
and learn that your emotions are valid.


Even at my worst, at rock bottom, I still try my best to be the light that helps others see because I know what its like to feel alone in darkness.



  1. Most despressed people dont know that there are depressed and thats the scary part...lets always be nice to one another because everyone is fighting a battle

    1. And the saddest part is; most of us are not aware that suicide is a disease wherein depression is one of it's highest contributing symptom. The best we can do is raise awareness on dangers of depression and how we can love and comfort those into it.

  2. Holding these discussions is crucial to dispel the stigma around mental health and ensure individuals receive the necessary support. It is a vital message that emphasizes the gravity of suicide across diverse demographics. We must intensify efforts to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Thanks for sharing the blog post!

    1. Indeed that should be widely considered and campaigns fuelled up. It begins with you. Tell a friend to tell a friend about mental health and suicide prevention. I believe that way, suicide disease will be history.

  3. Nice piece of writing.
    Unfortunately, this thing develop gradually, its almost impossible to noticen that you're sick


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