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 I want to get on my knees
to scrub everywhere
but no amount of soap will make me clean
or get his actions out of my mind.
How do I cleanse myself from these cuts
that have now become scars?

Sex without consent is simply rape and rape is a heinous crime that destroy lives and it’s important that we all take a stand against it.
1 in 4 women is sexually assaulted or raped every day and this should not be the norm.
It’s important to understand that rape is not just a physical act of violence, it’s also a violation of an individual’s trust, autonomy and dignity.

Rape culture is when a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and rape.

Most societies tend to label sexual assault allegations as drama.

·       They blame a survivor for their abuser’s future abusive behaviour because they didn’t report them, instead of blaming the abuser.

·       They refuse to believe a survivor without a conviction or charge against their abuser.

·       They think that perpetrators are strangers in alleys and not our family and friends.

Rape culture encourages a distressing pattern where the initial response to victims who disclose their assault is often “why didn’t you report earlier?” Such questions do really contribute to victims not wanting to report their cases cause;

·       They’re afraid of not being believed.

·       The fear of the justice system.

·       They thought they deserved it.

·       They tried to talk it out but nobody listened.

·       Intense feelings of guilt and shame.

Because of trauma, when testifying in court survivors can struggle to verbalise their experience. This can eventually affect their ability to recount the details of sexual assault and thus the outcome of the case.
We need to fight for more courts where survivors can be heard
.” – Rapecrisis.

Sexual assault, rape and sexual violence can have profound effects on our brains. It’s essential to understand the serious consequences this trauma can have on survivors. The brain undergoes significant changes the “fight-or-flight response which can lead to

·       Feelings of fear, helplessness, depression and/or intense anxiety.

·       Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); where a survivor experiences flashbacks, nightmares and/or intrusive thoughts related to the event.

·       Dissociation; where survivors may dissociate as a copying mechanism, feeling detached from their own bodies or experiences.

·       Trust and Intimacy issues; sexual assault, rape and sexual violence can erode trust and make it challenging to form a healthy relationship and engage in intimate connections.


There’s no healing without acknowledging the presence of the injury. You will be fine. HEAL.


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