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HOLLOW-Finale by @Tina

Guest Writer's Profile

Name: Gbenegbara Augustina Dumbari

Genre: Short story

Profession: Dental surgery student.

Location: Nigeria


I woke up with a 'thud' the next morning. The tree branch I slept on after the chase last night broke.

"Aaw..", I groaned.

Hearing footsteps, I turned around to pick a stick. Can't be caught unawares. The sound drew closer and it turns out to be... Kemi?!

"Huh? It's you!" I asked

"Well don't you just love showing up wherever I am?" She retorted

"Hmph.." I snorted, "I don't have time for you". I said "And how did you even escape?" I asked

"It doesn't matter", she said walking away.

I dropped my stick and walked around to look for fruits to eat. How can she be everywhere I am? I am beginning to believe what my cousin said. He used to tease me saying 'You and Kemi are made to be best friends. Until you recognize that and start acting on it, you'll never be able to escape'.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her. We were sitting on a rock after eating fruits we both gathered.

"This is my fourth day on this island". She replied

"Did you find anything useful here? A map perhaps, a boat?" I asked again. 

I was surprised I could talk to her without being rude but given my curiosity and the current situation, I had to. Afterall, she's been here before me.

"No. At least not yet." She paused "I think we should look around, we might find something. This place has traces of life".

"And if we don't find anything? How do you think we'd leave?" I asked.

"We could make a fire and send a smoke signal but Senuf is still out there so it's a no-no. We could make a raft and try paddling away from the island, perhaps we could see a ship and ask for help or we could also meet Senuf and get recaptured. Besides we don't have the tools to make a raft". She analysed.

"Right. Or we could just remain on this island and pray for a god sent". I said dryly.

"Let's just look around first".

We spent the morning looking around the island. Like she said, the island had traces of life. I found a fishing hook and cans lying on the ground. While I was still looking around, she called 

out to me

"I found a trail", she said

I walked up to her looked at the trail that went uphill. 

"Should we check it out?" I asked.

".. yeah", she replied.

We treaded the trail uphill for about 45 minutes, till we got to a clearing. We found a cave with the entrance covered with leaves. We threw a stone into the cave, to check if anyone was there. After waiting for a while, and there was no response we went in. We found properties strewn around. There was a mat, a torchlight and few other things.

"Someone stays here?"

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out. No answer

"Shit! There's a corpse here" Kemi gasped. 

"I think he was bitten by a predator. I don't think it's wise to stay here too long. Let's search around, we could probably find a phone or something". I said

We rummaged through the cave and eventually found a phone.I dialed the emergency number but there was no signal. I went outside and kept dialing till the phone was answered.

"Hello 911 how may we help you?"

"Hello, my friend and I are stuck on an island on the Kolarii ocean. We've just escaped an organ harvesting organization disguised as a cruise ship called Senuf but they still have some captives. We need help please". I said in a rushed tone. I was afraid the signal would cut me off.

"Alright, we'll be there".

"This is urgent please...." and the signal went out

"Friend huh?" 

"Jeez... how long have you been standing there?"

She shrugged. "So? Alera are friends?" She asked again.

"Yeah, we're friends now. We should be". I replied with a smile

"Okay", she paused and stretched out her hand towards me "to friendship?"

I listened to the sound of the rescue helicopter and felt grateful. Life is too short to be hating and like cousin said, maybe it's time to stop avoiding the inevitable and who knows, I could have a sweet story of friendship to tell. One birthed from near hate.

"To friendship!!" I seconded and shook hands with her.


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