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HOLLOW-2 by @Tina


Guest Writer's Profile

Name: Gbenegbara Augustina Dumbari.

PenName: Tina

Genre: Short story

Profession: Dental surgery student.

Location: Nigeria


"Oh this is the life...", I sighed softly sunbathing on the deck and sipping a cocktail.

The past week had been fun. The mornings consisted of watching the sunrise, exercising, yoga, eating breakfast and reading. In the evenings, we bathed in the pools and partied. Sometimes we sit in a circle and tell stories or play games or sing a song. And I love to stargaze when stars and moon come out to party. I met different people and made new friends - JoJo, Thelma, Billie and Sam. And most of all, I loved to spend time with Greg. Sometimes we'd could talk and laugh about almost anything for hours. He had a beautiful smile and when I looked into his eyes, I felt my heart skip a beat. Besides bickering a few times with Kemi and her friends, and a few hostile encounters with the rude ocean-staring-girl which I later found out was called Iris, everything was fine. Or so I thought.

"Excuse me, have you seen Fred?", a woman asked as she walked past me.

"Uh.. who's Fred?" I replied.

"A redhead guy, has freckles and wears an axe pendant", she described

"No I haven't". I replied.

It wasn't just her. More people asked if I seen this or that person. People were becoming anxious and requested to speak to the Captain.

 Missing on this ship? How possible is that? 

On the way to my cabin, I overheard a discussion,

"Boss, they're beginning to ask questions." said a male voice

"Then handle it. Isn't that your job?" replied another male voice

"They're not buying it". The first voice said again

"Then it's time for something else, we need more buyers" said the boss "And, I hope you still remember the rules. I have my eyes on you".

"Yes boss".

I wondered what that meant but I wasn't one to concern myself with things that wasn't my business. They're probably dealing drugs, I concluded and went my way.

That evening, there was a party. We danced and drank till we were wasted.  I don't even remember going back to my cabin to crash. The next morning, I felt my head ache. Uh, the unloved police officer - hangover. I groaned as I opened my eyes. I tried to move but I couldn't and I realized I was tied up.

"Huh...? Why am I tied up? Is this some sick joke?", I chuckled

The damp air and stale smell made me realize something was off. So far, the ocean breeze and fresh air could not be mistaken for this damp air. I heard someone groan and I turned in the direction of the sound. I saw Thelma struggle.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked

I heard the door knob turn and heavy footsteps against the cold floor. 

"Awake?" He asked in a robotic voice.

"Who are you? And what is the meaning of this?" I heard a man asked. Then I looked around and I realized there were a couple of other people. 

"I assume you're confused and have a lot of questions so I'll make this quick." He paused "My name is Hollow and I'm here to send you to a better place".

"Better place? What do you mean 'better place'?" I asked with raised voice

He ignored me and walked out.

And so we were left there, without an explanation and not the slightest idea of what was going on. Some times, two hollows would come and take someone out. Those they untied never returned. We were fed rations of stale bread once a day. It was terrible.

Few days later, the the hollows returned. They'd come to pick someone. We could never guess their selection process try as we may, because once they entered the room, they'd go straight to their target and pick them. I think the higher ups decide.  I was untied and made to walk down a hallway I'd not seen.  I was made to enter a room. It was all white on the inside. I was pushed to an operating table and strapped. I looked round and saw cotton balls soaked with blood. Waste bin  filled with syringe and gloves. I saw hollows carrying boxes labelled heart, lungs, eyes.. and then I realized why those taken out never returned. Their organs are being harvested and sold. A chill ran through my spine and I shivered in fear. My flight response kicked in and I started struggling. A hollow walked towards me and when I thought he'd strike me I screamed.

"Stop screaming", he said in the same robotic voice they all share.

He picked up the syringe beside the table and held it against the light then he paused and turned around "Take the parcels to delivery site. Call Dr. Bram, I'll tranquilize her and clean up. I'll meet you in five minutes", he instructed the other hollows. 

When he faced me, he picked up the cotton ball and cleaned my arm.

"Please.... please don't do this", I stuttered as tears rolled down my face. I didn't know what else to do but I didn't want to die yet. He paused, walked to the wall opposite the table and touched the wall.  He walked back to me and undid the straps, then he took off his mask.

It was...Greg! Greg was part of them! I stared at him with shock written all over my face. I felt heartbroken. It never occurred to me that Greg would do something like that, but then again, I never really knew him. He glanced at me and looked away. 

"Why?" I croacked. I could feel my eyes sting as I tried to hold back my tears. 

"Because, Alera" he passed and wiped my tears with his thumb "you made me happy. I felt less hollow and more human around you. Every moment I spent with you is a memory I'd cherish forever". He said.

He was crying too. I wanted to ask why he was part of them, why he didn't tell me and how he got involved in this mess but it was all stuck in my throat and instead I pulled him towards me and kissed him. He kissed me back and I cried. I cried because I knew it was over even before it started, I cried because I was disappointed, I cried because I had to let go. He broke the kiss and hugged me, then whispered softly "You should leave now, they'd be here soon". He kissed my forehead and said "Good bye".

I watched him fixed his mask and walk away. When he left, I climbed down the bed and peeped into the hallway. I ran towards the storage room and put on a life jacket, then jumped into the ocean praying for a miracle somehow.


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