Twelve years have passed since my father left my side,
but the ache of his absence remains.
It's a hollowed-out feeling that echoes through
every moment, a reminder of the love and laughter
we shared.
His passing left an unfillable void, a chasm that can never be bridged.
Yet, even in death, his presence continues to shape me.
His love, his guidance,
and his unwavering support remain the north
star that navigates me through life's turbulent waters.
As I navigate the complexities of life without him,
I'm reminded that grief is a journey, not a destination.
It's a path that winds and twists, sometimes leading
me through dark valleys, other times guiding me to
breathtaking vistas.
But even in the darkest moments,
I find solace in the memories we created together.
I find strength in the values he instilled in me, and
I find comfort in the knowledge that his love will
always be with me.
So as I mark this twelfth year without him,
I want him to know that I'm still feeling my way
through the darkness, but I'm not alone.
His memory is my guiding light, illuminating the
path ahead, reminding me to stay strong, to keep
pushing forward, and to never lose sight of the love
that we shared.
Your memory will forever be etched in my heart Dad dear
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