Before and After everything else, Healing comes first.
You heal before you take a new step, and you heal after you meet the chaos and
Healing is a deeply personal journey.
Realistically, there’s nothing like a one-size-fits-all approach to healing.
If your path looks different from others, don’t be disheartened; embrace your
own journey and trust that it’s leading you exactly where you need to be.
No one knows how much you’ve been through, the paths and routes you’ve been to
or you’ve had to take.
I read something that said; “May the quality of people you
attract be a reflection
of the healing and hard work you’ve put into yourself over time.”
No matter how much you wish you could, there’s no way you can control how
another person feels or thinks about you.
That’s why it is important to surround yourself with people who are committed
to understand
who you truly are.
The kind of people that are soft and gentle with your heart and soul,
the ones who will let you be yourself and make you smile with their presence,
those who are warm and make you feel safe and understood.
Be in a constant state; allow things to come and go. Detach yourself
from stories that say you aren’t whole. You can’t heal when you don’t remove
yourself from what’s causing you pain.
Healing isn’t about arriving at a place where everything is rosy but learning
to develop the ability to respond and plant your own garden of roses.
Therapy with blossom wrote; “Sorrow
is a teacher.
without periods of lowness, we may never question our
circumstances or make necessary adjustments.
We may lack deeper empathy.
We may never truly appreciate the highs, either. But most importantly, we must HEAL.”
Build the power of your discernment; honour and protect it.
Give yourself grace and put it to heart that;
“Nothing about your healing journey is wrong.”
Take your time, choose to move slowly; one small shift at a time and you will
get there.
As you heal, as you search for peace in the midst of chaos know
that; “you may never get back
to the person you were before it all happened. The trauma, the abuse, the
assault, the discrimination, the stigma, the depression, your rights being violated,
the segregation, the pain and the hurt but let go of it all, you are someone
who has survived a storm. HEAL!!!
Healing is not easy but it has to be done and the first step as you have mentioned is letting Go