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 It’s a must that before accepting your man's proposal, you should learn to scrutinize your man. Know his past- his ambitions, his ins and outs, get to know if he is religious or unreligious, go through his background, if you have to hire an investigator do it if you can afford paying them.

The Broken pieces story from Anita should serve as a case study to everyone in their journey into marriage..

I met Leonard at the gateway mall exit in 2018. It was beginning to rain and I had shopping bags. The Bus stop was a bit far from the shop entrance and there were no ubers around

We exchanged numbers and that was the beginning of our fairytale.

We were madly in love with each other, to me he was Mr. Right-almost perfect. I never found faults in him while we dated. He was so gentle -calm -hard working -ambitious, a goal-getter and was mature about almost everything. He was so business minded and never played with his work. He had made investments and had a lot of side hustles. I was comfortable with him and I knew he was the one.

About 10months after, he made his intentions clear. I thought it was too early but I again thought not to make delays anymore. The glittering diamond he put on my finger had sparks more than anything else.

As we were going on with the preparations and planning for our big day, he suggested we hold a private wedding on a yacht in Dubai. I didn’t understand why the sudden change of mind and why a private wedding.

We argued about it and fought over it but at last his ideas won. Our wedding was held on a private yacht with a very few close relatives and it was strictly no pictures.

Getting close to three years into our marriage and I began getting tensed and anxious. Leo hardly spent time home with me. He was always travelling around. Two weeks- three weeks- months; and my biggest worry was, I had no baby coming through since. I had tried the natural and artificial ways to conceive and I was tired of the whole processes. The doctors convinced me that I was fine and the spiritualists encouraged me to have faith; with so much concussions to drink from herbalists.

Leo was a very private person. He never liked the idea of putting up status updates on social media, so he advised me not to upload any of our pictures on anything but I was allowed to put up mines alone.

I was busy on my phone when a message from one of my girlfriends popped up from WhatsApp. It was an image sent with a caption “Isn’t this Leo? Or his identical?” In the picture, there was a man who looked so much like Leo my husband with another lady at the Ethiopian airport VVIP lounge, the two looked so much in love; yes so much in love coz they were holding hands and kissing. The picture was taken just the same day it was sent and then Leo had told me he was on his way to Angola. It was Leo indeed. I got crazy. Was he having an affair? Was that what kept him away from home?

I had no strength to confront Leo right then, so I decided to stay calm until he came back. Two weeks later he was in the country and came home to meet his broken, distraught, angry wife. He came with loads of gifts and smiles as usual. He ran up to me for a warm welcome home hug but I gave him a slap on his face instead. I was raged. I didn’t see that sweet charming Leo, I saw a cheater, a liar, a monster, a betrayer.

I showed him the picture and he went mouth agape. “I didn’t mean it, I never wanted you to find out this way.” Really? Was I meant to find out in another special way? Okay! I was provoked and poked on my last nerve. What did he had in store for me about it all?

“I am married…. I have been married even before I married you.” What was he saying? “I had other three wives before you” wow! And that made me a fourth wife? “This one here is Yasmin, we got married last year.”

His words got me more pissed. I felt so insulted and bitter. I felt deceived and disgusted. Who was this man in front of me again? He had five wives and I totally knew nothing about it? I thought it was just me all along. I had spent about four years with this man and there was no trace of his marriages with the other women. I knew his friends so well not to talk of his family too, they never said a single word of it.

I could feel my soul leaving my body, I felt light all of a sudden and a sudden cold sensation came over me. I couldn’t utter a word. I saw Leo coming close, he held my hand and said “Don’t even think or try to file for a divorce, I’m not ready to have your blood in my hands.”

As I’m sharing this; I am stuck in my marriage. I am in dilemma and I don’t know how to escape out of this prison. I regret to have never taken time to get to know this man more. I was carried away with his charm and little did I know it was deceit.

He showed me what I wanted to see in a man and he got me really right. I should have slowed it all down but I was in a rush for the best not knowing what I rushed for will be my worst experience.

I am living in my marriage with so much fear and I am not sure if I will survive to see the next day. I really want to escape but I just don’t know how I should do it for my life is already threatened. My family thinks I am greedy for wanting out; they ask how the other three wives have been all along that I would want to leave?

So, I share my broken pieces story with you so you learn and you don’t end up in a hell of marriage like me and start to regret that you were “Not Made for Love”…


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