Before and After everything else, Healing comes first. You heal before you take a new step, and you heal after you meet the chaos and catastrophe. Healing is a deeply personal journey. Realistically, there’s nothing like a one-size-fits-all approach to healing. If your path looks different from others, don’t be disheartened; embrace your own journey and trust that it’s leading you exactly where you need to be. No one knows how much you’ve been through, the paths and routes you’ve been to or you’ve had to take. I read something that said; “May the quality of people you attract be a reflection of the healing and hard work you’ve put into yourself over time.” No matter how much you wish you could, there’s no way you can control how another person feels or thinks about you. That’s why it is important to surround yourself with people who are committed to understand who you truly are. The kind of people that are soft and gentle with your heart and soul, the ones who will...
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