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The phase I was in weeks ago made me question my existence on earth “perhaps, has my time elapsed?”
I have escaped a number of accidents for two weeks in a roll. I was on bed rest. Got back on feet and faced yet another accident day after day “I thought my life has come to an end.” “I could barely let food pass my throat; the fear-anxiety and the stress all over it of what becomes of me the next day was too much for my mind” “is death beckoning me?” I asked myself a couple of random questions just to be sure I was on a right spot - safe and sane “I must repent.” “Change my ways, stay sane even in the midst of the rumbling thunder that was ready to take over in my brain.”

So I rose up, charged myself up “enough is enough.”

My mother had already said a prayer of favor over me. She blessed me right from the day I was conceived. “You shall not die before your time, you shall live to fulfill your purpose on earth; No man anywhere will deny you of your dues, the harvest of your planting shall never elude you, where you have erred-God’s mercy will cover you.” So what will stop me now from achieving it all and surviving the trials?

I prayed the prayer of my heart “Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the Fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He will cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I will find refuge; His truth shall be my shield and buckler. I will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.”

I have been at a point in my life where I no longer have expectations but rather have requirements “a bucket-list I must fulfill” but each incident kept me wondering if at all my time is still there or if my clock has run out of batteries.

I have believed that “we become stronger amidst all the heart wrenching experiences life has to offer in order for us to grow and learn -physically-emotionally-spiritually-psychologically.” “I am not sure of how my end will taste like but I’m sure it won’t be as bitter as my predicaments of those two weeks” because “I learnt that there is indeed a blessing behind every struggle-situation, trials to testimonies, pain to purposes, dreams to answered prayers. There’s always a season for everything and a breakthrough in every experience.”


The last thing I affirmed myself to is “I would chase the horizon to the edge of time to catch the sunrise and sunset and witness the place where lights meet my shadow-Faith” and that “I will be grateful for the things that are good in my life, leaving aside what is out of control; it makes all the difference-Hope” because “I have chosen to see God and His goodness in all things. To remind myself that God has a purpose in everything and it has brought me to a place of gratitude; He had it all planned-I Live.”


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