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Showing posts from June, 2024


The struggle to keep up With life's pace when grieving and wanting to pause is so real. Wishing a moment of stillness where we can just exist without sorrow fitting our hearts. At times the world expects us to pick up where we left off as if nothing has changed -But everything has changed. Our lives have turned upside down the weight of our grief  can make even simplest tasks feel impossible. You are allowed to step back to seek moments of stillness you crave cause it's okay not to be okay.  


 There are times I don't wish to be here. My heart is tired from being fed all the wrong things. I put my hand on my chest I hear my inner voices screaming; "this year should be named - all things I never thought could happen." There are days like today, When I want nothing but to surrender. I am drowning in my anger but I am learning how to hold on a little better. I close my eyes and look at how I have ignored all the things my heart tried to tell me. It's both a blessing and a curse to feel everything.


  Today; Someone had to say goodbye and they weren't ready. Someone was left only with a cloth of a loved one whilst another was left with nothing at all. Grief robs us the ability to feel joy in moments that should have been magical, changing our depths; Making us re-evaluate everything. As we miss our beloved; I am sending love to you all. May we be held tenderly though; our world can never be what it once was before they left.


Inhale my comfort and I’ll exhale your struggles. I would wage war with all the demons that are meant to hurt you if that’s how you want me to prove my love for you.


On most days I didn’t want to stay quiet, I wanted to tell the world how broken my heart was. But then I thought; What would the world do with my grief when it was so ugly about my joys.