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Showing posts from January, 2024


The truth failed to set me free. I do not know how to speak the truth without it sounding like an apology, But I am learning to share the room with peace. You said these broken pieces won't fit together, But I have out grown those words and will shrink to fit, For courage has greeted me. Drop me here and leave me be, This is just a chapter not my whole story....


My brain surely needs a little peace from my heart. But let’s talk about a topic close to my heart; The journey of healing from all sort of issues. Let’s shift the focus towards nurturing your beautiful self and letting go of those who don’t belong in your life. Let’s create space for the important issues of all – Peace, Confidence, Healing, Progress, Love, Acceptance. I have always wanted to wear my heart on my sleeves and tell my lover how I truly feel, saying what I need to say; “You are a bunch of colours I have never seen.” But there’s always a grip of fear in me because of the time that has passed and what may be made of him in return. I thought the answer was to bury the pain deep within But; so slowly, painfully with no regrets – I unloved him. Peace. “When you lose an emotional attachment to someone you realize how ordinary they are. You realize it was your love and energy that made them seem special.” That right there, is Peace.


Dearest Mofesi; This is the first letter I am writing to you in this year. Deep sorrow fills my heart Vengeance pulses through my veins I will never be fully healed I will never be the same person that I was. Indeed; there is a breath between what was and what will be who we were and who we will be. I read somewhere that said; “Stop taking things personally. If someone can’t love you the way you want to be loved-that has nothing to do with you and if they don’t treat you the way you desire to be treated-that’s not a reflection of your worth.” Mosannzz wrote; “Through loving the right people you will come to realize that the human beings who are meant for you in this life will not exhaust you or hollow you out.” The right people hear you differently. So; this love of mine shall never go to waste Maybe someday we’ll meet again in the same space where our paths crossed.   Kapare